Bethany Lamb BSN, RN Same Day Surgery Nurse

My very own neighbor is a nurse, and I asked her to tell me about her job and why she became a nurse…this is her story!
Alexis Evans, RN

Here is a nurse who loves her patients as family!
Amber Strub, RN, Oncology

Our first story comes from Amber, a nurse from CTCA, Atlanta! This is why she became a nurse!!
Liz-Hunter Brack, RN

This Nurses Spotlight is from the nurse who helped take care of Stoney in his final days. Don’t miss out on her amazing journey to become a nurse! We are also thrilled to have Liz-Hunter on our Nurses Advisory board!
Amanda and John Bagwell, RN

This Nurses Spotlight comes from a Husband and Wife team! We met them in Atlanta, and became great friends. I’m so amazed at families who work in the medical field, and have time to raise a family. Commitment!! Meet the Bagwells!
Patrick Vittegleo, RN

Patrick’s story is GREAT, and we know first hand the care he gives! Remember to stop by our store section and share a donation to help our HEROES!
Kaitlyn Bryant, RN

Our Next Nurses Spotlight comes from Kaitlyn Bryant, who shares her story on why she became a nurse, and her concerns that come with it.