Timing is Everything

This week I had the opportunity to take dinner to Stoney’s parents, Tracy & Sharon Dartt, which I’ve tried to do each week since Stoney’s passing. This week while we were sharing memories around the table, the subject of “time” came up.  The timing of me joining the Dartt family back in December 2004, the […]

Giving Thanks When Life Tanks

Giving Thanks When Life Tanks… Have you ever struggled to Thank God when life just doesn’t go as planned? I have! Through life’s trials, death, daily routines…. Its hard! In fact, some days I want to stay in bed and give up, but I know that is not what the Lord wants… Growing up in […]

Mirror Mirror

Have you ever looked in the Mirror, and wondered who that person is staring back? I have been doing that a lot lately. Realizing I am a little older, a little fatter, looking a little different than I did a few years ago, and can even go further back than that!  I remember a song […]

What is JOY?

It has been just over 2 months now since I lost my best friend, musical genius, vacation buddy and all around amazing person! I have filled my life with “things to do” and tried to stay as busy as I possibly can to avoid the pain of loneliness. Yes, I have friends and family around […]

Hope Shared

In 2019, My best friend, Stone Mountain Dartt, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Pancreas with metastasis to the liver and lymph nodes. When this disease is found, it is normally very far progressed and only manageable treatment is offered as there is no cure. During our 30 […]