What is JOY?


It has been just over 2 months now since I lost my best friend, musical genius, vacation buddy and all around amazing person! I have filled my life with “things to do” and tried to stay as busy as I possibly can to avoid the pain of loneliness. Yes, I have friends and family around me, but its not the same. I hear a song, watch a movie, see a picture and the memories fill my heart and mind as the tears begin to flow.

There are those that would crash under the pressure of loneliness or loss. Some that would become depressed, think all hope is gone, and even live in despair. BUT, each morning I awake, I try to choose JOY! Is it easy? NO! I fail miserably some days, but thats the beauty of a new day…you get to start again – FRESH. I know what its like to lose a parent, a grandparent, and now a best friend, and the pain it leaves behind is deafening. However, in life we are given choices to rise above, to succeed, to LIVE….and I choose to LIVE! I choose to believe that there is HOPE, there is LIFE, there is JOY because I know the BIBLE tells me so. I believe in the Word of God, and I believe that we have a place called HOME when our bodies fall weary, and are buried beneath the ground. That reality is ONLY because of my Savior, Jesus Christ! We can rest assured that one day (most likely very soon) those that are dead, along with the living (IN Christ Jesus) will rise to be with HIM and our loved ones once again! I am looking forward to that day more than ever before, and THAT BRINGS ME JOY!!!! What a day thats Gonna be! Now, there are 3 things you must do in order for that to happen….Admit, Acknowledge, and Accept. Moving Mountains Ministries was a vision formed by my friend, Stone Dartt, who had a heart for his nurses and me, his caregiver. But, through it all, He had an understanding that Jesus Christ was the sole center of his life, and his care. He placed his life in the hands of the Almighty, knowing that in either life or death, he had a place of “residence”.

The thing I love about JOY, is that you can experience it in every part of your life. Through the good times and the bad. Through Stoney’s health journey, he managed to have JOY even with his battle of cancer. He knew his life had been cut short with the diagnosis, but he chose to live and be happy, all while placing Christ at the center. As a caregiver, I loved the Lord with all my heart, but had so many questions. I tried to put Christ first in my life, but struggled with understanding why God would let this happen to someone so young, so alive and so kind. We don’t get to choose our medical journey, but we can choose HOW we respond to it. Stoney succeeded brilliantly! Until his last couple days, surrounded by his care team, he exhibited and radiated JOY! Every person noticed it, they have commented on it, and appreciated it.

People are watching us…. During a devastating time in our lives, it’s hard to smile, to show kindness and compassion when you are hurting, broken, defeated. I challenge you though to stop, and remember there is a LOVE that comes from a Father above who wants to hold you with the most loving arms. To hide you under His wings. To shield you from the darkest of storms. If you want to know more about this Heavenly Father of mine, contact us here on our website and one of our counselors will reach out to you with more information. If you would like prayer, or encouragement over your loved one, please email us so we can help bring you some peace, joy and HOPE to your life. You are not alone!

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Stone Mountain Dartt

Stoney, as his friends and family called him, was a singer-songwriter, musician, graphic designer, sound engineer, and bus driver for his family’s music group, The Dartts. Stoney was adventurous, and enjoyed traveling the world including all 50 states, and over 20 countries singing in music ministry. He enjoyed getting to know people and hearing their stories, as well as giving a word of encouragement to those in need. Stoney loved the people who cared for him and one of his last prayers was that we find a way to celebrate and support both nurses and personal caregivers.